Spanish translation is now published!
It’s only been a month since I posted. I consider that good:)
I finally have a Spanish translation of my book! It took quite a bit of time as I am not a native speaker. I know some Spanish phrases and that’s about it. I first hired a translator on Fiverr. He had dozens of glowing reviews and was based out of Mexico. So I figured for $12, not a bad deal at all. In fact, it’s super cheap (that should have been my warning).
He had the translation back to me within a few days. I didn’t understand most of it, so I sent to a friend to review for accuracy. She immediately starts making edits and explains that some of the story got lost in translation. So she tries to correct it, but she’s also an Autism mom with a full time job so she’s not able to complete the job.
So then I ask on Facebook and another friend volunteers to help me. She starts making edits, but then says it seemed like this guy ran the story through a translating software. She said it was too literal.
Then I got together with my mom-in-law for an outdoor cookout. I was explaining the situation to her, and she offers to help (and also asks why I didn’t ask her in the first place). She works for Loudoun County schools and I know things have been crazy busy. I didn’t want to burden her when she’s already stressed in her job. So she volunteers to translate the book. She’s been speaking Spanish her whole life. And she even translates in her position for the school district. She has it back to me in a couple days.
So at the end of it all, it went through many hands before it was complete. Now it’s published on Amazon, the photo above is from my mom-in-law. I’m still waiting for my author copies (it takes a couple weeks).
I’m excited to share it with you all, I hope it encourages those who are still quarantining at home and learning virtually. Things in the U.S. are getting better each day, I have hope that we will see some normalcy soon!
Order your copy here: Adam Se Despierta A Un Día De Sorpresas